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Governor Vacancies

Community Governor


Community governors are appointed by the governing body to represent community interests. They can be individuals who:

  • live or work in the community served by the school

  • are committed to the good governance and success of the school even though they do not work or live close to it.


So if you have an interest in education and can commit to at least one meeting per month, a half termly visit during the school day and  are able to support whole school events, we’d be very pleased to hear from you.


Our Board currently has a broad and balanced range of skills.  No prior knowledge is necessary; a comprehensive range of training and support is provided. It’s an exciting opportunity for you to:

  • develop skills in strategic management

  • work with our team of governors and staff in improving our School

  • acquire an understanding of specific School management issues


Deadline for responses is 30th June 2024


Click here for the application form.

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